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Tiger Nut Flours

Tigernut Flour

Organic Tiger Nut Flours

​Both our finely ground and extra finely organic tiger nut flour​s have a unique and sweet taste and do not loose any of ​their nutritious properties in the milling process. ​They are ideal for a variety of different uses from cake making to breakfast cereals and porridge. The potential for th​ese flour​s​ are endless.

Tiger nut flour is highly recommended for diabetics and is a fantastic grain free alternative flour for baking with, being 100% gluten free.

It's also considered a useful flour or additive for the bakery industry, as its natural sugar content is ​unusually high, avoiding the necessity of adding to much extra sugar (the reason why it is such a good option for diabetics​)​. ​​Mix​ing it with other flours (such as maize or rice flour) expands it's potential use even more, also making the flour mix exceptionally tasty.

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