Premium Bee Bread (Ambrosia / Perga)

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Bee Bread
Nature's Original Multivitamin
What is Bee Bread?
Unlike Bee Pollen - Bee Bread (Perga) is a fermented living food. Female worker bees collect pollen. Back in the hive, the pollen is carefully packed into the comb with nectar and natural enzymes from the bees. Each cell is then sealed with a layer of honey and wax
Pollen grains have strong, exterior cellulose cell walls. Bees don't eat pollen - and it is mostly indigestible by humans. Bees need protein, so they've learned to unlock the nutritional value stored within Pollen via natural (true anaerobic) fermentation. Bee Bread is the only fermented product produced in the hive and it is an incredible food for both the bees and those fortunate to discover it
As a natural probiotic + rich in A, B, C, D, E & K vitamins - this the functional food for your whole body
How is bee bread made: The bees inoculate the pollen, nectar and enzyme supermix with their own microbiota (an incredibly diverse range of microorganisms and organic acids) which kickstarts an alchemical process. Pollen sheaths are dissolved, releasing the original nutrients which also allows complex enzymatic transformations to occur within the comb. Through this process, new compounds are created producing a living food more potent than the sum of its individual parts
Bee Bread nutrition: For men and women, particularly the sick or elderly, Bee Bread is a nutritional powerhouse. Fermentation untethers the vitamins, minerals, amino acids & peptides needed to maintain homeostasis, support cell protection and functionality. It feeds the internal mechanisms involved in every process within the body with micro and macro elements
Bee Bread also increases ATP levels to boost immunity and neutralise toxic agents. ATP is vital for health, especially if you feel depleted, out of balance or are carrying a viral, fungal, bacterial or parasitic load. Due to its antimicrobial properties, Bee Bread is recommended especially when immunity is low and to help detox the liver
Bee Bread is a wholesome, natural probiotic and biologically active food. As a functional food, it is regarded as the most "complete perfect food" with tremendous health benefits
Ingredients ✧
Pure Bee Bread
Bee-keeping ethics: Collecting Bee Bread necessitates careful consideration of how much should be taken from the hive. The bees need their bee bread - it is their primary food source and essential for the health of the colony. We understand some bee-keepers engage in practices that produce cheap, quick results - taking more than the bees can stand to lose. This is neither ethical nor sustainable. The health of the bees will naturally deteriorate and subsequent harvests will be poorer. Sourcing matters. We source directly from bee-keepers with a family tradition of working with bees stretching back over 150 years. Bee-keeping is an art, their livelihood and integral to their proud way of life. We're honoured to work with them promoting intelligent apitherapy and the wonders of the honeybee for holistic health
Product carefully sourced from Latvia
Click here for info on our sourcing policy
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Ambrosia - food of the gods
Bee bread can be eaten straight from the spoon or added to any raw recipe. It's sweet yet tangy
Enhanced Nutrient absorption: When possible, let the little nuggets dissolve in your mouth allowing nutrient absorption via oral musoca
Our experience: "I loved eating Bee Bread whilst pregnant and nursing. It was quick, effortless & easy to reach for when I needed a boost... essential nutrition for Mothers!" ~ Jemma, Na'vi co-founder
How much bee bread to eat: Perga or Ambrosia is a very nutritionally dense food, so we suggest enjoying 1 teaspoon a day. Increase to a dessertspoonful when needed to regenerate and strengthen the body. It's best to start with just a little. Bee Bread benefits all systems and is a natural detoxifier, so may stimulate your body if you eat too much in one go!
How to store bee bread: As a fermented product, it is important to keep Bee Bread out of the light. Store somewhere dry and cool. If transferring from the pouch to a jar for more convenient storage, keep the jar in a dark cupboard
Contra-indications + warnings: Bee Bread contains pollen. Avoid if you are allergic. Not recommended for children under 2yrs
Bee Bread reviews: The reviews and testimonials below are a valuable resource because we are limited in what we can share about how or why Bee Bread may be the most amazing superfood on the planet