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❄️ 3 for 2 Special: Policane ❄️
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Homa Farming | Organically Grown and Blessed

Homa organic farming productsHOMA farming produces super-vibrant food. It is considered better than both Biodynamic and Organic Farming, as HOMA farm works to cleanse the atmosphere and nourish the soil for super-organic healthy growth

The word Homa describes an ancient and sacred fire ritual rooted in the Vedic Hindu tradition. Revered Rishis and other Enlightened Masters gave this sacred practice to assist the prayers and rituals for the manifestation of specific intentions. In agriculture, this practice has been used for thousands of years to help bring about the best conditions in which plants, animals and humans can thrive

Homa farming recognises the importance of the quality of the atmosphere in which plants/crops grow. At the core is an understanding that 75% of a plant’s nutrition comes from the atmosphere. Most farming methods focus on the soil only and do not consider the atmosphere. Homa therapy applied to farming focuses on cleaning, healing and rejuvenating the atmosphere with the understanding that this, in turn, vitalises all life in it

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