The Importance of Deep Sleep
Sleep. It's as important as the air we breathe. Yet, deep, truly restful sleep can be elusive to many.
Feelings of stress, anxiousness and worry are poor bed companions, especially when the body desperately needs to rest.
Without the freedom to dream and journey into the timelessness of the night, feeling ready for the day ahead feels as elusive as finding peace on the pillow.
Our bodies work hard to meet our needs, which can make us feel worn out. If people understood how important sleep is for health, they would avoid things that can disturb their sleep.
In the normal course of any given second, there may be over 100,000 biochemical processes going in each, and every, of the ten trillion cells in your body. That’s a giant amount of biochemical activity.
During a single second, there could be over 100,000 biochemical processes occurring in each of the ten trillion cells in an adult human body. This represents a substantial amount of biochemical activity.
Many things in our world today, like blue light from screens, caffeine, stimulants, drugs, and busy work and social lives, can stop us from sleeping well. Stress can also greatly affect our sleep.
Not getting enough sleep is especially harmful for people in high-stress jobs like healthcare, as it's impossible to make up for lost sleep.
When we stay awake instead of sleeping, our bodies have to work extra hard. This extra work can only be balanced out when we finally rest. Sleep is the time when our bodies heal and grow, which makes it vital for our recovery.
Healing and recovery only happen during sleep. The body starts certain processes during sleep to save energy for healing and recovery, rather than wasting it.
The body’s Sleep processes are intricate, and further complicated by the need to keep the body in a restful state, while facilitating growth and recovery processes simultaneously.
The porcesses that our bodies undergo during deep sleep are essential to sustain the body's functions, and any disruption to the sleep process can greatly decrease the efficiency of biochemical activities.
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