Bio-Resonance & Cell Health
The Healy is a bio-resonance tool that works to support your body's energetic field and promote deep cellular healing.
Reduced cell voltage occurs in almost all cases of acute and chronic dis-ease. Reduced cell voltage causes the cell's internal metabolic processes to malfunction leading to disease. The Healy helps restore equilibrium through the use of resonant frequency waves. It works to stimulate and restore optimum cellular function with the use of very specific, harmonic energetic currents.
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Purchase Healy Holistic Health for the price of Healy Gold €501: Select Healy Holistic Health, enter the promotion code "EditionHHH" and pay only for Healy Gold.
Purchase Healy Holistic Health Plus for the price Healy Holistic Health €1005: Select Healy Holistic Health Plus, enter the promotion code "EditionHHH+" and pay only for Healy Holistic Health.
Purchase Healy Resonance for the price of Healy Holistic Health Plus for €1509: SAVE over €1000. Select Healy Resonance, enter the promotion code "EditionHR" and pay only for Healy Holistic Health Plus.
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A customer review after 1 month of use
With Na'vi Organics new Partnership with Healy, we have put together some additional information and video links for those who are interested to learn more about how this incredible device works.
Positive Effects of Microcurrent Treatment
According to a study by Nook Cheng et al.*Increases ATP Production up to 500%
ATP stores energy in the cells, similar to gasoline in the gas tank of a car. ATP is produced in the cell by the mitochondria. The mitochondria are the ATP producing “power plants” in each cell of the body.
Increases protein synthesis up to 70%
Protein synthesis is the process by which proteins are formed to build cells. It means the creation of physical life, following the central blueprint which is stored as DNA in each of our cells.
Increases amino acid transport up to 40%
Amino acids are the building blocks for protein synthesis.
*Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research NR. 171, Novermber-December 1982. This animal study refers to the effects of micro current and the basic mechanism on which Healy and timewaver Frequency programs are based. It did not includes any Healy or Timewaver systems
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At the TimeWaver Summer World 2019 Conference in Bad Nauheim, Carolyn McMakin speaks about how specific frequencies act as an enhancer for treatment on the physical, psychic and consciousness level, and as a language for the cellular and hormonal functions, thus connecting the person with the informational field. Besides the many therapeutic possibilities of Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM), McMakin gives a brief overview of applications, successes and the history of FSM.
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